F1 in Schools – Professional Class
the STEM RAcing professional class
Years 5 – 12
The Professional Class is the highest level of competition within STEM Racing. It is the flagship event with teams from across the country competing for a chance to represent Australia at the STEM Racing World Finals. In addition to the car, teams must also produce an Engineering and Enterprise Portfolio, along with a Trade Display and Verbal Presentation, all of which are assessed by a panel of judges.
The Car
Unlike the other classes, there are no machining restrictions for the car body, and students can develop their own wheels and wheel systems.
Teams are also permitted to manufacture their front and rear aerofoils using any alternative non metallic material to boost their aerodynamic and structural performance.
This class permits teams to demonstrate high levels of innovation and engineering ingenuity to create the fastest car possible.
Competition divisions
The Professional Class has both a junior (Year 5 – 9) and senior (Years 10 – 12) division. If any student in a team is in year 10 or above the team must enter the senior division.
Anyone in year 5 or above may enter the Professional Class, however, it is recommended that students begin their STEM Racing journey with either a season in the Cadet and/or Development Class first. This will provide many of the learning experiences necessary to compete in the Professional Class.
Do you have what it takes?
To get started with STEM Racing Professional Class, register your school now – It’s quick, easy and free!