26 Years Of Pioneering

“Australia needs more highly skilled technical people who are willing to think and be creative. Consider any innovation and no doubt it has been developed by people who have a firm grasp of the STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering and mathematics. But how do you make these subjects challenging and desirable to our young people? You have to make them relevant and exciting… and that is exactly what the Re-Engineering Australia Foundation is doing. Their programs combine world-best technology with applied learning and collaboration with industry. They are causing maths and science classes to fill up, and students are asking for after school classes and being able to go to school during their holidays.”

Dr Peter Farrell AM
Founder and Executive Chairman, ResMed

The year was 1998 and Dr Michael Myers OAM, an awarded engineer and businessman, decided to take affirmative action to counter the growing perception amongst young Australians that engineering and related technical fields were not career paths worthy of consideration.

Dr Myers realised that not only did students need to understand the validity of these professions, they also needed to be attracted to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in a new way. Traditional classroom techniques were not working.

It was time to re-engineer our nation. To inspire and educate a new generation of young people. Thus it was that the social enterprise, Re-Engineering Australia Foundation (REA), was born.

Our Vision

The vision of REA was to:

  • Develop revolutionary hands-on applied learning programs forming a pathway of encouragement and equipping for students;
  • Include employability (non-curriculum) skills in these programs such as teamwork, collaboration, problem solving, self promotion, public speaking;
  • Provide young people with world-best technology as used in industry;
  • Encourage student interest and understanding of Science Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) careers;
  • Link schools, industry, TAFE, Universities and parents in a collaborative environment focused on changing the metaphor of the education process;
  • Equip young people to become highly employable and enable them to take on the world;
  • Contribute to creating a reputation for Australia as a revered Innovation Centre in the Global Village

Dr Myers took his concept to like-minded leaders in the business world, government and education and they all agreed to support it. One of these was The Department of Defence which is responsible for billions of dollars of hi-tech’ engineering projects across our nation. In fact, they have over 100 technical career paths on offer and are keen to see smart young minds look to ship building, aerospace and land vehicles projects for fulfilling futures.

The founding patron was the Honourable John Button MP the architect of the Button Plan for Australia’s automotive industry.

Since then more than 3,000,000 students have been exposed to one or more REA programs. Over 35,000 young people are directly mentored each year.


The work of REA has been recognised by governments, industry and international organisations:

  • Peter Doherty Science Award 2005
  • Engineers Australia, Engineering Excellence Award NSW 2004 & 2006
  • Queensland Smart State Science Award 2005
  • Engineers Australia, National Presidents Award 2006
  • Warren Centre Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Engineering 2006
  • Association of Consulting Engineers (ACEA), Presidents Award for
  • Outstanding Contribution to Consulting Engineering 2006
  • Prime Minister’s Award for Skills Excellence 2006
  • Dassault Systems Global Education Award 2006
  • Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Primary School Teaching 2009
  • Order of Australia Medal for contribution to youth & education 2012